Dealing with Common Ailments in Small Children- Naturally!
by Native
When children are young, there are frequent conditions they may suffer from. These complaints can cause distress and discomfort in your child, and ultimately heartache for you as a parent. Below are a few common ailments and the natural ways to care for small children suffering from them.
Diaper rash
Diaper rash is a common skin condition in babies and is usually caused by contents of a dirty diaper irritating the skin, and can produce symptoms such as red bumps, soreness and peeling of the skin. However, in some cases, a rash that looks much like a diaper rash is actually caused by a bacteria or yeast infection.
Signs of bacteria or yeast infection in babies:
- Red bumps (some maybe fluid-filled)
- Blisters or open sores
- Pus-filled sores
Prevent recurring diaper rashes and skin rashes by keeping your child’s skin clean and dry. In addition, Tea tree oil can be used on baby’s skin to maintain good skin flora, while the herb Comfrey soothes and supports tissues and maintains healthy cell growth.
Many children suffer with constipation due to the fatty, starchy and sugary foods they love to eat, but these can unfortunately slow down bowel movements.
Signs of constipation in children:
- Fewer bowel movements than usual
- Straining or painful bowel movements
- Hard or dry stool
- Abdominal (belly) pain
- Blood in stool
Making sure your child is eating a well-balanced diet is key to healthy bowel movements. Choose fiber-rich foods including apples, oatmeal, whole-grain breakfast cereals and beans. Psyllium can be added to your child’s breakfast cereal as a natural laxative, while Ginger and Peppermint tea can help relieve digestive upset.
Ringworm is a very common fungal infection of the skin and can occur in children of any age and affect virtually any part of the body- even the scalp.
Signs of ringworm on a child’s skin:
- Red patch(es) or bump(s) on the skin
- Itching
- Circular, patterned raised bump(s) with bumpy border
Signs of ringworm on a child’s scalp
- Pimple-like sore(s)
- Flaky, scaly or crusty bump(s) (may be mistaken for dandruff)
- Swelling, tenderness, or bald patch(es)
Prevent ringworm by making sure your child washes his/her hands frequently and avoids sharing combs, pillows, hats and headphones. Herbs such as Witch hazel and Neem have both been researched for their ability to soothe and support healthy skin.
For soothing relief for the skin plus healing, try R-Worm Clear. see
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