Saturday, February 8, 2014

5 Tips for Anger Management to Help You Deal with Frustration 
It’s inevitable… we all deal with some level of frustration on a daily basis— but it’s how we deal with daily challenges that makes us or breaks us. Sometimes, stress, anxiety, and low energy levels can makes us feel like we’ll drown in a glass of water.
The fact is that on occasion, things just get to us… and before you know it, there’s no turning back. Therefore, we should strive to curtail its effects on our tempers before it’s too late. So what can we do to better manage frustration?
5 Easy Things You Can Do to Cope:
Cut back on the caffeine. The stimulant effect of caffeine is great when you’re trying to wake up, but if you drinking coffee all day, it may actually lower your levels of tolerance to anger and even small frustrations. Try to limit your java intake to two cups, especially if you know it’s going to be a crazy day.
Empathy. Putting yourself in another person’s shoes goes a long way in helping to manage negative emotions such as frustration.
Acceptance.  No matter how perfect you want things to be, there is a chance things can happen that will disrupt your plans. It’s a part of life.
Stay focused on the big picture. Stay focused on where you want to go, and keep moving forward. That way, the little everyday annoyances you’re dealing with right now won’t matter as much because you know what direction you’re headed.
Take a break. I know it’s easier said then done, but with a little imagination, most of us can figure this one out. If all you have is 5 minutes, then look for a quiet place, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Sometimes that’s all we need to gain perspective.
Anger-Soothe™ is a homeopathic remedy reduces irritability, anger and rage, including temper outbursts. 

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